RIS3 Greece

RIS3-Greece Reports

RIS3 Greece-Phase 1 (2012): RIS3 National and regional background reports

RIS3-Phase 1-Review reports

RIS3 Greece-Phase 2 (2013): RIS3 Design of strategies

RIS3-Phase 2-Design of strategies

RIS3 Greece-Phase 3 (2013): RIS3 State of play

RIS3-Phase 3-State of play at national and regional levels

RIS3 Greece-Phase 4 (2014-2015): RIS3 progress

RIS3-Phase 4a-RIS and ROP

RIS3-Phase 4b-Meeting_memo

RIS3-Phase 4c-Progress reports

RIS3 Greece-Phase 5 (2015-2016): Interface between innovation and digital strategies

RIS3-Phase 5-Innovation and Digital Strategies