
S3 21-27

Good Governance RIS3 2021-2027

June 2020

Intelspace Innovation Technologies in collaboration with G. Strogylopoulos just submitted to DG REGIO a series of reports on “Good Governance of S3 2021-2027 in Greece and Cyprus”, which describe the findings of surveys on this subject realised between October 2019 and May 2020. The reports conclude with policy recommendations on how national and regional authorities in Greece and Cyprus should comply with the Policy Objective 1 for ‘Smarter Europe’ through innovation, digitisation, economic transformation and support to small and medium-sized businesses.
Per country, the first report refers to the seven enabling conditions of good governance of national and regional smart specialisation strategies 2021-2027, as these are defined by the European Commission: (1) Analysis of challenges including bottlenecks for innovation diffusion, (2) Existence of competent regional/national institution or body, responsible for the management of the smart specialisation strategy, (3) Monitoring and evaluation tools to measure performance towards the objectives of the strategy, (4) Functioning of stakeholder co-operation (“entrepreneurial discovery process”), (5) Actions necessary to improve national or regional research and innovation systems, (6) Actions to manage support industrial transition, and (7) Measures for internationalisation.
The second report focuses on innovation diffusion: up-to-date analysis of bottlenecks for innovation diffusion, including failures by Universities and RTO’s to serve the needs of firms, inefficiencies of innovation agencies, problems in coordinating with public agencies, and problems in knowledge and technology transfer.
The third report deals with RIS3 Entrepreneurial Discovery Processes (EDP) and the contribution of business and innovation ecosystems to EDP. It deals with the challenge of defining a “functioning of stakeholder co-operation in entrepreneurial discovery process”, addressing two problems (1) prioritisation by EDP, as EDP must first identify innovative business activities in a variety of sectors that have the potential for diversification and transformation towards higher added value activities, then prioritize the most promising, and (2) discovery, as EDP must design policy actions and public support measures for the benefit of entire industry sectors or ecosystems than the benefit of specific organisations and enterprises.


INTELSPACE presented its smart city applications  to organisations participating in the Erasmus + KA2 project study visit

March 2019

On 14 March 2019, INTELSPACE SA had been invited to present its smart city applications and projects to 14 organisations participating in the Erasmus + KA2 project “SMARTCITY: Innovative Approach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies”. The event was organised by the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and coordinated by the Technical University of Sofia and took place in the premises of CERTH.The aim of the project “SMARTCITY: Innovative Approach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies” is to create opportunities for Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia to improve the quality of life in major cities, reduce costs and consumption of resources, improve contacts between citizens and government by implementing smart technologies cities using urban informatics and technology – launching the training and preparation of the new generation of ICT-savvy graduates.Participants in the study visit were from five (5) European countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Austria, Romania and Latvia), three (3) from Russia, three (3) from Kazakhstan and three (3) from Mongolia.The agenda of the study visit can be found here


Intelspace 2018

March 2019

Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της (1) στην ανάπτυξη και διακυβέρνηση ευφυών πόλεων, (2) στο σχεδιασμό και στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών για ευφυείς πόλεις, (3) στις στρατηγικές καινοτομίας, και (4) στην ανάπτυξη ψηφιακών εφαρμογών για τη διαχείριση καινοτομίας. Ο ισολογισμός 31.12.2018 είναι διαθέσιμος Isologismos  2018

NEWBITS news logo

6th NEWBITS Press release: NEWBITS presents high-level evidence-based recommendations to boost innovation diffusion in the ITS sector

March 2019

Within the framework of the H2020 project NEWBITS (New Business Models for ITS), a benchmark analysis of ITS innovation diffusioni processes between Europe and the United States was performed to ground an evidence-based categorisation of success determinants and barriers affecting ITS deployment as well as to formulate key recommendations for successful technology transferability.
The analysis was informed by an extensive review of project-based case studies and local deployment initiatives undertaken across Europe and in the United States, specifically addressing the following innovation areas: Sharing Mobilityi, Mobility-as-a-Service, and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles.
This policy-oriented paper presents high-level recommendations to boost innovation diffusion in the ITS sector, whilst for methodological aspects and detailed insights on success factors and barriers to deployment refer to NEWBITS Deliverable 3.2 Benchmarking ITS innovation diffusion and ITS production processes EU vs. US.

Read more here

An infographic explaining the NEWBITS project and platform

March  2019

From bottom to top, the NewBits inforgaphic contains the objectives of the Newbits project; four case studies on cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS); the NewBits Network Platform; the Community of Interest on C-ITS; and policy recommendations for the promotion of C-ITS business models.

The infographic: infographic

NEWBITS news logo

5th NEWBITS Press release: NEWBITS presented its new collaboration platform for ITS stakeholders at the DG MOVE lunchtime conference

November 2018

The H2020 project NEWBITS (New Business Models for ITS) supporting the initiatives and actions of the Directorate General MOVE, upon invitation of the Projects’ Officer Mr. Georgios Tzamalis, had the opportunity to present NEWBITS research results to eleven members of different departments of DG-MOVE at a lunchtime conference in Brussels on 30th of November 2018.
Ms Viara Bojkova (ORTELIO) briefed the attendees on the key research results such as the proposed value network analysis (VNA) and network-based approach to craft new business models for (C-) ITS, while Mr. Isidoros Passas (INTELSPACE) presented the methodology that has been applied to co-design the ITS Community of Interest (CoI) and the NEWBITS Network Platform (NNP) with the related stakeholders. The presentation has been concluded by Mr. Ilias Trochidis (ORTELIO) who presented the functions of the novel collaboration platform for ITS stakeholders, and the proposed sustainability plan.

Read more on NEWBITS Press release about the NEWBITS – DG MOVE lunchtime conference.

Digital Cities Challenge 3rd Academy Seminar

17-18 October in Thessaloniki

The 3rd Academy Seminar and meeting of DCC cities, follower cities and blue print cities took place in Thessaloniki. The Digital Cities Challenge is a programme of the European Commission aiming to develop and implement policies and actions for digital transformation at city level. The agenda of the meeting focused on strategy development.  During the meeting 15 cities presented the operational objectives of their strategy and discussed with follower and lead cities in the field of digital transformation and growth.

NEWBITS news logo

4th NEWBITS Press release: Launch of the NEWBITS Network Platform: An online collaboration tool for ITS services

September 2018

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have a great potential for making passenger and freight transport greener and more efficient. Nevertheless, the introduction of ITS applications to the market remains a major challenge. Collaboration of different stakeholders is thereby key for success. The H2020 project NEWBITS (New Business Models for ITS) has now launched the NEWBITS Network Platform (NNP) under to address these issues.
The NEWBITS Network Platform (NNP) is designed to accommodate the structure of a Community of Interest (CoI), which is a gathering of different stakeholders with common goals, interests and/or environments. The CoI is configured to foster a fully integrated network approach to craft business models for ITS via the NNP.

Read more about the NNP on the 4th NEWBITS Press release.

Digital Cities Challenge – Strategy design for Sofia

Sofia 10th September 2018

The 2nd strategy meeting for the design of the Digital Transformation Strategy (DCS) for Sofia took place on September 10 at the premises of the Microsoft Innovation Center in Sofia. Representatives from 17 stakeholder organisations worked together in defining operational objectives, scenarios, and KPIs for the DCS of Sofia. The focus has been on three vertical markets for e-services (government, utilities, transportation) and the support of the start-up ecosystem with digital platforms for networking.


Intelspace 2017

27 June 2018

Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της (1) στην ανάπτυξη και διακυβέρνηση ευφυών πόλεων, (2) στο σχεδιασμό και στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών για ευφυείς πόλεις, (3) στις στρατηγικές καινοτομίας, και (4) στην ανάπτυξη ψηφιακών εφαρμογών για τη διαχείριση καινοτομίας. Ο ισολογισμός 31.12.2017 είναι διαθέσιμος Isologismos-2017


Digital Cities Challenge 2nd Academy Seminar

16-17 May in Brussels

The 2nd Academy Seminar and meeting of DCC cities, follower cities, and blue print cities took place on 16-17 May in Brussels. The Digital Cities Challenge is a programme of the European Commission to develop and implement policies and actions for digital transformation. During the meeting 15 cities presented their vision and ambition plans and discussed with lead cities in the field of digital transformation and growth.


3rd NEWBITS Press release

February 2018

Within the framework of the EU-funded NEWBITS project, a benchmark analysis of ITS innovation diffusion has been performed for three specific areas of ITS innovation: 1) Sharing Mobility, 2) Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and 3) Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV’s).

According to this benchmark analysis, the critical aspect to consider in both the EU and US to boost diffusion of sharing mobility innovation can be found in overcoming the critical mass barrier and this has been done in several cases by making massive use of tracking technologies and social networks. Additional success elements are increasing interoperability and allowing data sharing among platforms, incentivizing multimodal transport integration, extending pre-tax benefits, establishing a community of trusted users and developing supporting policy measures.

MaaS is at its initial stages of diffusion in the EU, whereas in the US organisational and institutional challenges have even prevented deployment. Forces driving innovation diffusion were found to be: user’s willingness to move from a car-borne transport; the presence of the large majority of operators offering electronic payment, opening data and allowing third parties to sell their services; stakeholder cooperation; user incentives; and the inclusion of MaaS within regional transport policy strategies. On the other hand, restraining forces identified are: challenges to make users using one single app; strong market competition; lack of provision of government subsidies and lack of tax reduction benefits; and financial pressure on public transport operators in case profits are sought from the sale of monthly subscriptions and ticket sales.

The benchmark analysis for CAV’s has indicated user acceptance and willingness to pay, data protection and cyber-security, ethics and liability, and policy and regulatory issues as the most critical factors of innovation diffusion. According to the evidence reviewed, data privacy is not considered a critical barrier to innovation diffusion, whilst it is considered that CAV will result in a shift from personal to product liability, which will significantly impact the insurance market. Further challenges are also posed by the need for regulatory actions, such as enforcing that all new vehicles are equipped with digital connectivity and communication capabilities allowing to interact with each other and the surrounding road infrastructure, defining open technology standards and developing comprehensive national frameworks.

The full benchmark analysis is available online on


3rd meeting of NEWBITS project

16th-17th of November 2017

The 3rd meeting of NEWBITS project was hosted by TTS Italia in the city of Rome during the 16th and 17th of November 2017.
Read more…


2nd NEWBITS Press release

October 2017

2nd NEWBITS Press release: The market for ‘Intelligent Transport Systems’ (ITS) is changing rapidly: topics like urbanisation, sustainability and digitalisation are changing the environment as well as the near future.

Despite the investments in technology development and feasibility demonstrations, the systematic market penetration of ITS applications remains a major challenge. The Horizon 2020 project NEWBITS (‘NEW Business models for ITS’) is facing this challenge, aiming at providing a deep understanding of this ever-changing world by analysing the current European market and developing potential new business models and incentives in order to accelerate a successful ITS deployment.

A market research analysis was conducted within the scope of NEWBITS to gain valuable market insights and a sound basis for the development of innovative business models. It analyses the market, identifies key stakeholders and defines value chains for each of the 4 case studies addressed within NEWBITS.

All case studies, which are based on actual pilot projects, have been carefully selected and validated as representative for the current ITS market, covering several transport modes – road, rail and inland waterways. In addition, different geographical areas and ITS services were captured: Next to a carpooling service in Spain, an urban traffic control solution in Italy and a synchromodal track-and-trace solution for container transport in the Netherlands, a predictive maintenance solution for railway operations in the United Kingdom was investigated.

The full market research analysis is available on
To find out more about NEWBITS and current project news visit and follows us on
Twitter (@NEWBITS_CITS) and LinkedIn (NEWBITS Project).
Download the press release from


Meeting at Intelspace SA on “’

26 July 2017

Meeting of 26 July 2017 at Intelspace SA on “ Fighting Corruption with Fiscal Transparency”. Several experts participated in this meeting in order to perform a technical evaluation of the applications developed in the framework of this H2020 project and discuss possible improvements. Applications tested and assessed by Intelspace in the framework of a contract with the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems are: (1) OSPackager/Viewer for the transformation of input data from csv to RDF through the LinkedPipes ETL tool. (2) Indigo: Data mining tools that can visualise input data for the analysis. (3) KPIs: Tool to perform comparative analysis of city budget across the EU. (4) Microsite that enables local authorities to embed a dashbord of analytics into the city website. (5) Participatory budgeting, enabling citizens to define the importance of each project/budget proposal.


Intelspace 2016


Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της (1) στην ανάπτυξη και διακυβέρνηση ευφυών πόλεων, (2) στο σχεδιασμό και στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών για ευφυείς πόλεις, (3) στις στρατηγικές καινοτομίας, και (4) στην ανάπτυξη ψηφιακών εφαρμογών για τη διαχείριση καινοτομίας. Ο ισολογισμός 31.12.2016 είναι διαθέσιμος

1st Press release

1st Press release: NEWBITS
Through an improved understanding of ITS services towards innovative business models.  To support the development of innovative business models and effective policy incentives, a better understanding of the factors affecting the deployment of ITS services is required. A deeper understanding of the described factors has been achieved by the recently published project deliverable ‘D2.2: Assessment of main barriers and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the implementation of ITS services’. A wide online survey among relevant stakeholders, supplemented by the assessment of 94 ITS services currently applied in the EU, US and Australia,
the most relevant barriers and enablers for specific market segments and service types were determined. Download the press release from here..

Second project meeting of NEWBITS

7th-8th of June 2017

The second project meeting of NEWBITS was hosted by INTELSPACE in the city of Thessaloniki during the 7th and 8th of June 2017. NEWBITS partners focused on deploying the process of validation for the case studies as key enablers of the upcoming activities of the project. As a result, 3 case studies were positively considered while one was discarded and an alternative proposed by UAB. More info about the meeting can be found here..


Employment opportunities

June 7

Intelspace Innovation Technologies S.A., in the framework of the “NEW Business
models for Intelligent Transport Systems” (NEWBITS, Νο 723974) project, which is
financed by the European Commission and the Horizon 2020 programme
(H2020-MG-2016-SingleStage-RTD-MOVE) will recruit two persons for the
implementation of Work Package 3 “Holistic Intelligence process”, and Work
Package 4 “Developing Innovative Business Models” for a period of 6-8 months
(June 2017 – February 2018). Candidates should posses an engineering degree,
preferably of computer or mechanical engineer, and PhD or postgraduate studies
in related to WP3 and WP4 subjects. You can send your CVs and documentation of
experience by June 7 to Mrs Maria Schoina, email:


NEWBITS Project Meeting

8th-9th of February

NEWBITS partners met in the city of Delft, where CEDelft hosted the first project meeting from 8th until 9th of February. The main aim of the meeting was the discussion on on-going status and methodology design for WP2 in order to ensure a complete mapping of the C-ITS context. More info about the meeting can be found here.


NEWBITS – New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems

22 March 2018

NEWBITS – New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems. A video that presents the project concept is available here. The overall objective of the NEWBITS project is to provide a deep understanding of the changing conditions and dynamics that affect and/or influence collaborative ITS innovations.


NEWBITS Project website

NEWBITS Project website is online at You may click the link to get more info about the project and be updated on the latest developments of the NEWBITS project.


Technical meeting of ONLINE S3

26 October 2016

A technical meeting of ONLINE S3 took place in Thessaloniki on 26 October 2016. The objectives of the Technical meeting were: elaborate an integrated approach to WP1, WP2, WP3, and WP4; define exact timelines of WP2, WP3 and WP4; agree on the allocation of work among partners; select content management system and technologies of the platform and the applications; start as early as possible the development of applications and the platform to achieve the milestone 4 of an operational web environment by the start of the pilot exercises.


Technical meeting of ONLINE S3

12th-13th October 2016

In the 12th and 13th of October 2016 the kick-off meeting of the NEWBITS
project took place at The Simulation Centre of the Technocentre in Coventry, UK.
The NEWBITS project (New Business models for Intelligent Transport Systems) has
been approved for funding in the frame of the European Research Programme «Horizon 2020».

The project consortium consists of 9 partners, coming from 6 different EU countries (UK, NL, GR, DE, SP, IT) including national ITS association and EU level innovation networks, C-ITS service providers operating world-wide, as well as research based institutions and specialized consultancies involved in the fields of Transport and ITS, marketing research, policy analysis and innovation management.

INTELSPACE SA as one of the consortium partners participated in the kick off meeting with two experts.


NEWBITS project

INTELSPACE participates in the consortium of the Horizon 2020 project NEWBITS.
It is a 30-months project on business models accelerating innovations in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). NEWBITS applies a business ecosystem approach for ITS which acknowledges the context of economics of networks by introducing a higher conceptual level than that of individual organizations, focusing at how organizations create value within the context of the networks in which they interoperate. The NEWBITS consortium will design and implement a holistic intelligence process that gathers key information and indicators on market, demand, stakeholder’s involvement and innovation diffusion for ITS.


Intelspace 2015


Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της (1) στην ανάπτυξη και
διακυβέρνηση ευφυών πόλεων, (2) στο σχεδιασμό και στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών
για ευφυείς πόλεις, (3) στις στρατηγικές καινοτομίας, και (4) στην ανάπτυξη
ψηφιακών εφαρμογών για τη διαχείριση καινοτομίας. Ο ισολογισμός 31.12.2015
είναι διαθέσιμος εδώ.


Horizon 2020 – Start of a new project

INTELSPACE together with a consortium of 12 partners is starting the
Horizon 2020 project ONLINE S3. The aim of the project is to design and
develop an e-policy platform, augmented with a toolbox of applications and
online services, able to assist national and regional authorities in the EU
to elaborate their smart specialisation agenda. The platform will leverage
existing methodologies, initiatives and tools developed by the EC for the
RIS3 strategy and augment them with additional applications, roadmaps and
databases to facilitate and automate the design and implementation of RIS3
strategies across Europe.


Improve-My-City Platform

Intelspace, Infalia, and Alamat International are working
for the customisation of the Improve-My-City Platform
( to be used by the city of
Riyahd in Saudi Arabia. The project includes web, Android and
iOS applications. Installation, training, and seamless operation
of the Platform will be provided.Alamat Int will provide the required local
information in order for the platform to be adapted in Saudi
Arabia and especially Riyadh conditions.


Collaboration with Bir Ventures Ltd

Intelspace SA started a collaboration with Bir Ventures Ltd,
USA, for the development of a Science Park in the United Arab Emirates.
The UAE University Science Park aims to create a globally recognized
innovation ecosystem and enhance the diversification of the UAE economy.
The Science Park will connect physical infrastructure, human skills,
and advanced digital services and setup a borderless environment for
scientific research, commercialization of innovation, technology-led
start-ups, and training business leaders of tomorrow.


Intelspace 2014


Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της (1) στην ανάπτυξη και διακυβέρνηση ευφυών πόλεων, (2) στο σχεδιασμό και στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών για ευφυείς πόλεις, (3) στις στρατηγικές καινοτομίας, και (4) στην ανάπτυξη ψηφιακών εφαρμογών για τη διαχείριση καινοτομίας. Ο ισολογισμός 31.12.2014
είναι διαθέσιμος εδώ.


“Enhancing the
transfer of Intelligent Transportation System innovations to
the market (T-TRANS)”

November 2014

The Coordination and Support Action entitled “Enhancing the
transfer of Intelligent Transportation System innovations to
the market (T-TRANS)” concluded in November with the organization
of a final event. Between September 2012 and November 2014, a team
of experts in the innovation chain for all the transport modes, from
9 organizations of 7 EU countries, including universities, research centres,
companies and associations, studied the innovation mechanisms
for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and identified best
practices and guidelines for upbringing the related innovative
products and services to the market.
More: T-TRANS_PressRelease_EN_Dec14


T-TRANS project Presentation

4th November 2014

The final event for the presentation of the T-TRANS project
will take place at UAB-CASA CONVALESCÈNCIA (Sant Antoni Mª Claret, 171 – 08041 Barcelona – Spain) on November 4th, 2014.T-TRANS,
“Enhancing the transfer of Intelligent Transportation System innovations to the market” is a Support Action funded by the European
Commission under the FP7 Transport Programme. The main objective of the project is to gain a better understanding of the market
drivers and barriers for ITS innovation.


Intelspace 2013


Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της στην ανάπτυξη
τεχνολογιών στα πεδία (1) της διαχείρισης οικοσυστημάτων καινοτομίας,
(2) των ψηφιακών εφαρμογών διαχείρισης καινοτομίας, και
(3) των ψηφιακών και ευφυών πόλεων.
Ο ισολογισμός 31.12.2013 είναι διαθέσιμος


Final conference of INNOSEE

13 September 2013

The final conference of INNOSEE, a Leonardo Da Vinci project of the
European Commission, will be held on 13 September 2013 in Sofia.
The conference will discuss the finding of the project in terms of
research clusters training needs and present the web-based platform to
support training in research driven clusters.


4th partner meeting of INNOSEE

18-19 April 2013

The 4th partner meeting of INNOSEE was held at Empoli, Italy on 18 and 19 April 2013.
The EACEA report and evaluation of the project by the Commission services was presented,
describing strengths and weaknesses, and the overall very good evaluation. Main focus of
the meeting has been the development of the training content and the 8 training modules
for research driven clusters under development.**A platform will be ready to directly
connect the users with all recommended sections. The platform has been implemented with
Moodle at
After the completion of each module, a certificate will be released.


Intelspace 2012


Η Intelspace AE εστιάζει τις δραστηριότητες της στην ανάπτυξη τεχνολογιών
στα πεδία (1) της διαχείρισης οικοσυστημάτων καινοτομίας, (2) των ψηφιακών
εφαρμογών διαχείρισης καινοτομίας, και (3) των ψηφιακών και ευφυών πόλεων.
Ο ισολογισμός της Ανώνυμης Εταιρείας με την επωνυμία
“Intelspace Τεχνολογίες Καινοτομίας ΑΕ” της 31.12.2012 είναι διαθέσιμος


Intelligent Transport Systems state of the art assessment

The TTRANS report “Intelligent Transport Systems state of
the art assessment” aims at enhancing the understanding of
the relationships among various ITS areas, applications and
technologies by developing an ITS ontology which links ITS applications and
technologies based on the study of the four case studies, and is general enough
to be valid across different transport modes. In this sense this report provide
a solid introduction to the four case studies selected at
proposal stage, providing a comprehensive list of technologies and
applications used by those, and assessing the technology readiness
of the identified technologies.*You can download the T-TRANS ITS
state-of-the-art assessment report


TTRANS workshop on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

June 26

The first TTRANS workshop on Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS)
will be held on June 26 in Thessaloniki Concert Hall. During the
workshop experts from academia, research institutes, and enterprises
will discuss ways to enhance the transfer of ITS innovations to the market.
The 1st Workshop is co-organized with the TIPS project which objective is to
facilitate the creation of new products and services from EU-funded R&D
projects in the field of ITS.*You can download the agenda of the workshop
from here: TTRANS-Thessaloniki_1st_workshop_agenda